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Discover the Protein Hair Treatment Offered by the Curly Method

Discover the Protein Hair Treatment Offered by the Curly Method
Secretos Del Agua
Writer and expert20 days ago
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Proteins, alongside proper hydration, are the foundation of maintaining healthy hair. You've likely heard that hair loss, as well as dryness or fizz, is related to a deficiency in proteins. All those statements are true, and today we want to explain to you why you should add a hair protein treatment to your Curly routine (and almost any routine).

What is protein for hair?

Protein, a key component of our hair, not only protects, but it also rebuilds and strengthens hair strands. The protein in hair forms a resilient barrier, offering protection against future damage and breakage, making it essential for maintaining healthy hair.

What type of hair needs protein?

All hair types, whether straight, wavy or curly can benefit from protein treatment, but it’s particularly beneficial for hair that is dry, brittle, extremely fine or colour damaged. The first step to determining if your hair needs protein is to understand its elasticity. There is a simple and well-known trick to find out if your hair needs protein: take a group of about 10 wet hairs and observe them.

  • Low elasticity: characterised by an excess of protein in the hair, hair with low elasticity tends to be stiff and incapable of stretching properly, preventing curls from forming properly. In this case, additional protein is not necessary. To regulate this excess, products like our Nourishing Conditioner or PRO Curly Leave-In Conditioner are effective solutions.
  • Medium elasticity: this type of hair has balanced protein, ensuring flexibility and the ability to stretch and return to its natural state.   To maintain this elasticity, our Nourishing Conditioner or PRO Curly Leave-In Conditioner is recommended.
  • High elasticity: hair with high elasticity typically suffers from protein deficiency making it extremely elastic, but unable to return to its original state, which can result in breakage. In these cases, curls may not form effectively. To address this, the application of Protein PRO is recommended.

Add proteins to curly hair with the Curly Method treatment

The Curly method is mainly focused on hydrating curly hair. To optimise this routine, incorporate at least one product enriched with a high concentration of proteins for curly hair, which revitalises and strengthens the hair cuticle. Protein PRO is a restorative gel that forms a protective layer around each hair strand, making it more manageable. Applying it after washing can significantly increase the shine and volume of your curls.

Benefits of hair proteins

The numerous benefits of protein for hair care are evident, especially given its fundamental role in the hair’s structure and development. Protein not only strengthens the hair but also deeply moisturises, significantly enhancing its elasticity and softness, while also contributing to scalp health. Well-hydrated hair that’s rich in protein is the key to achieving healthy, radiant hair.

To get started with the Curly method and achieve hydrated, shiny locks that are both elastic and strong, incorporate a hair protein treatment into your Curly routine.

Secretos Del Agua
Writer and expert
View Secretos Del Agua's profile