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Curly Method – A Guide to Hydrating Your Curls

Curly Method – A Guide to Hydrating Your Curls
Secretos Del Agua
Writer and expert19 days ago
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The Curly Method is not just about enhancing curls; it's also about hydrating curly hair. Those who embark on a Curly hair journey are often aiming for perfect, healthy curls seen on other Curly Girls. But before you can do that, it’s important to understand how to hydrate your curls properly. Today we will guide you through the process of achieving optimal hydration for your curls with ease.

How to know if your hair needs hydrating

Firstly, it’s important to determine if your hair requires hydration. One tell-tale sign is frizz, also known as hair puffiness, which occurs when the natural oils that your hair needs remain trapped on the scalp, failing to spread evenly throughout the strand. This lack of moisture causes your curls to dry out more easily, leading to an unruly appearance. To combat frizz, start by reducing (and if possible, eliminating) the use of heat styling tools like hair dryers or straighteners. Additionally, be mindful of exposure to extremely hot or cold environments because they can also dry out your hair.

Achieve deep hydration with the Curly Method in 4 steps

The Curly method aims to fully hydrate your hair, which is best achieved through the use of organic products:

1- Choose the right shampoo for your scalp:  whether your hair is straight, curly or wavy, your shampoo should be tailored to your scalp's specific needs. For those seeking a shampoo to combat hair loss, we recommend a cleanser that rejuvenates the hair from the roots, like the Strengthening Shampoo. On the other hand, for sensitive scalps, the Soothing Shampoo is recommended. Its botanical actives are designed to soothe and soften scalp irritations.

2- Incorporate a hydrating conditioner:  The best way to ensure that your hair is hydrated is to add a conditioner to your routine that nourishes your hair from root to tip. Our Nourishing Conditioner, specifically designed for damaged hair, works to restore the hair fibre from the inside.

3- Elevate your hair’s hydration: incorporate a PRO Curly Leave-In Conditioner specifically tailored for curly hair. Apply this to your damp locks and comb through to distribute evenly throughout your hair without rinsing it out. In just a few days you will start to notice the difference.

4- Avoid the use of hair dryers: If you want all your efforts to pay off, try to avoid using a hair dryer. While we recognise that sometimes it’s impossible to completely avoid them, reducing the frequency of use or lowering the heat setting can significantly benefit your hair’s health.


How often should this routine be performed?

The Curly method is more than just a routine, it’s a way of life. Once you begin nurturing your hair with this approach, it’s unlikely you’ll return to your old ways. We recommend always following the guidelines of each product in your Curly routine and consistently using healthy, curl-friendly products with every wash to achieve the best results.

If you are still interested in joining the Curly culture, our Pro Curly Line is here to help you make the leap. This collection of natural hair products is designed to nourish, hydrate and enhance your curls, unleashing their full potential.

Secretos Del Agua
Writer and expert
View Secretos Del Agua's profile