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How To Prevent Hair Loss

How To Prevent Hair Loss
Secretos Del Agua
Writer and expert2 months ago
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The issue of hair loss is a significant concern for many today. From shampoos and lotions to vitamins, we are constantly seeking hair loss solutions to combat thinning hair without understanding the underlying causes. Understanding the root of the problem is essential for selecting the most effective treatment approach. Explore the factors influencing hair loss and learn how to tackle it from both an internal and external perspective.

What is causing my hair to fall out?

Both men and women can experience hair loss. It's important to understand that on any given day, losing up to 100 hairs is entirely natural. Try not to fixate on the amount of hair in your brush, as having long hair can make it seem like a more significant loss than it actually is.

Seasonal hair loss

A notable increase in hair loss during autumn and even late summer is common. This is because during this season, hairs are in their last phase of growth which leads to a higher rate of them falling out.

Tight hairstyles

Ponytails, buns or tightly pulled-up hairstyles can cause the hairline to start receding and may lead to traction alopecia.

Hormonal problems

Fluctuations in hormone levels, such as an increase in progesterone and testosterone during pregnancy and postpartum or a decrease in oestrogen, can lead to brittle and finer hair.

Other factors that may influence hair loss include having a genetic predisposition or an inadequate diet lacking in essential vitamins and nutrients. Additionally, stress remains as one of the most common and influential factors.

Foods to strengthen hair

Achieving strong and healthy hair requires us to be aware of the type of food we consume. Maintaining a balanced and varied diet is not only essential for your body’s overall well-being but also plays a vital role in ensuring proper oxygenation and keratin production in your hair. To help your hair stay as healthy and strong as possible, you should incorporate essential nutrients such as magnesium, biotin, zinc, iron and vitamins A, B, C and E into your diet.


Lentils, peas, chickpeas and beans are rich in folic acid, which helps promote healthy blood flow to the hair follicles. These legumes play a vital role in providing the oxygen-rich blood needed for your hair’s optimal growth and vitality.

Nuts and dried fruits

These foods play an essential part of a hair-healthy diet as they are rich in vitamins E, B, zinc and essential fatty acids – all of which play a vital role in hair loss prevention.


Proteins from sources like eggs, chicken and salmon are essential for maintaining healthy hair follicles and preventing hair loss.

Foods rich in antioxidants

Oranges, grapefruits, kiwis and vegetables like broccoli or spinach are abundant in vitamin C, which is the most effective antioxidant for our body.

What are the best products for hair growth?

Just as a healthy diet is essential for hair loss prevention, using specially formulated, hair-strengthening products that nourish the hair from the root is also important. Additionally, it is vital to avoid hair cosmetics containing silicones or sulphates, as these can clog hair follicles and hinder growth.

At Secretos del Agua, we meticulously formulate our products using high-quality active botanicals that deliver essential nutrients directly to the hair root. This not only promotes scalp oxygenation, but it also strengthens the hair from root to tip.

With a simple 3-step routine, you can revitalise your locks and combat hair loss:

Best serum for hair growth: Thickening Infoactive Serum

The Thickening Infoactive Serum is a powerful anti-hair loss serum. Spray it in sections on your scalp and massage it in. You can then either rinse it off after 10 minutes, leave it on overnight and wash it out the following morning, or if your hair is not dirty, leave it on until your next wash.

Best shampoo for hair loss: Strengthening Shampoo

Experience the dual benefits of our Strengthening Shampoo. This natural anti-hair loss shampoo is formulated with organic active botanicals that strengthen the hair and combat hair loss. While preventing hair loss is important, we also understand the need to add volume to your hair. Read on for our top tips to achieve voluminous hair.

Best conditioner for hair loss: Thickening Conditioner

Maintaining well-hydrated hair is a fundamental part of any hair care routine. Hydrated hair not only tends to be stronger and more resilient, but it’s also less prone to tangling and breakage. This is especially important during periods of hair weakness, as we want to avoid further hair loss during brushing or styling. We recommend using the Thickening Conditioner after shampooing. This anti-hair loss conditioner strengthens hair from root to tip, making it easier to style and leaving your hair with a smooth texture.

By following this comprehensive guide on foods and products to strengthen your hair, you will notice a significant improvement in the thickness and strength of your hair.

Secretos Del Agua
Writer and expert
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